Class Descriptions

  • All Levels Alignment

    This class is open to all interested people. The instructors will provide thoughtful alignment cues to help students embody poses they will hold for multiple breaths.

  • Restorative

    Restorative yoga allows students to experience mental, emotional, and physical relaxation. Poses are held and prop usage helps practitioners sustain the positions.

  • All Levels Flow, All Levels Vinyasa

    These classes offer flow sequences drawing on the sun salutations. If you've never heard of a sun salutation, great! If you've done a million - also great. These classes offer movement and guidance for all people.

  • Yoga & Recovery

    Are you in a recovery program or curious about starting one? This class is for folks struggling with addiction of any type or close to anyone struggling with addiction. Addiction can be to alcohol, drugs, sex and love, shopping, gambling, food or any other process addiction. Folks involved in recovery dharma, smart recovery & 12-step programs such as AA, NA, Al-anon, ACA & CODA will find a happy home here. Also, if you've never heard of any of these acronyms and you're curious we'd love to have you.

  • Chair Yoga

    Chair yoga is an accessible yoga class that utilizes the support of the chair to access poses that may be challenging in their traditional format. This class focuses on intentional movement and building a mind-body connection. Using props and creativity, students are challenged to move the body in new and interesting ways. Consistent chair yoga practice can increase strength, mobility, and confidence.

    This class is designed for people with mobility limitations, those who are new to yoga or movement practices (or have taken a break), or anyone looking for a gentle practice.

  • Kundalini, Meditation, and Breathwork

    Pranayama and Dhyana practice. Pranayama can be translated as breath control and Dhyana as mind control through Kundalini yoga we will explore techniques to create greater vitality, connection, strength, and serenity in and out! Each class will begin with a short warm up but feel free to come warmed up for sitting. Sitting in a chair is welcome. We will learn many different techniques and how they can be effective healing and beneficial.