Welcome to Mudita Yoga and Therapy

मुदिता or Muditā is a Pāli and Sanskrit word meaning joy—rejoicing in the well-being of others, an empathetic joy.

We are a therapeutic, consent-focused caring community of teachers and therapists committed to providing our students and clients the highest level of care and education.

As a community, we embody Mudita's values, which are community, diversity (in practices and peoples), creativity, respect, and trust.

Cultivating Joy, Community and Peace Through Yoga

Yoga allows you to find an inner peace that is not ruffled and riled by the endless stresses and struggles of life. There is no progress toward ultimate freedom without transformation, and this is the key issue in all lives. The union of nature and soul removes the veil of ignorance that covers our intelligence.

- BKS Iyengar

We believe that life is challenging and yoga is helpful. The better-known benefits of yoga, like strength, balance, and breath, are always helpful tools to navigate life. Yoga can also help cultivate joy, community, and peace. Mudita aims to provide access to a deep holistic yoga practice for as many people in our community as possible.

We want to encourage all students to find a deep practice that allows them to fully experience the gifts of yoga and integrate them into their lives. Because of this, we regularly offer yoga intensives. Intensives are typically 120-minute classes offered in a series of 5-10 days. These intensives offer students the opportunity to take time to explore asana practice without rushing, build skills, and integrate learning over time.